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Outdoor education holds huge relevance today more than ever and as technology becomes more apparent in the world of education, it is vital that teachers and young people do not lose sight of the huge benefits of outdoor education and the positive impact on social development, mental health and general wellbeing. Stepping outside of the everyday learning environment can often lead to enhanced creativity and motivation back in the classroom and it’s no surprise to hear that field trips are more popular than ever before.

A good place to start, if you are thinking about arranging a trip with an outdoor education provider, is The Council for Learning Outside the Classroom. This is the national voice for learning outside the classroom and has a wealth of news and resources to offer insight into the huge benefits that come with outdoor education. More information can be found at The Council for Learning Outside the Classroom website.

The below video from the National Union of Teachers looks at risk and the balance between outdoor education. The aim of the film is to encourage schools to consider using skilled providers when offering children and young people the opportunity to enjoy potentially hazardous activities in a controlled way. This is where our fully qualified team come in, we can work with you to determine the desired outcomes of your group and link sessions to a particular aspect of the curriculum. If you have any concerns about risk management we are happy to chat to you about our safety practices and create peace of mind in the knowledge that we are a very knowledgeable activity provider with of years experience in outdoor education, fully approved by the Adventurous Activities Licensing Association and other governing bodies such as British Canoeing.



This video looks at 8 great reasons why our children grow and thrive with outdoor education and these are just some of the fantastic reasons to embrace the great outdoors.



The below document, “Managing Risk in Play Provision” from the National Children’s Bureau was produced by Play England and is an informative guide for anyone who is responsible for managing play, this could be as an activity provider such as Tees Barrage, but is also be useful to teachers managing play in settings such as the playground and parks. Striking the right balance between protecting children from the most serious risks and allowing them to reap the benefits of play is not about eliminating risk. Nor is it about complicated methods of calculating risks or benefits. In essence, play is a safe and beneficial activity. Sensible adult judgments are all that is generally required to derive the best benefits to children whilst ensuring they are not exposed to unnecessary risk.


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